Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lammas Blessings (taking stock of the bounty in our lives)

I'm a bit late posting about Lammas, but it is because I have been kind of taking the holiday season in and contemplating what to write. I looked around at what lots of other pagans online wrote about their holidays and a certain theme resonated with me.

It has to do with the bounty of the harvest...not only material, which is great (I'm a badass farm-stand stalker this time of year)...but also spiritual bounty.

At Imbolc especially, I attended a ritual where we stood before a priestess invoking Brede and said aloud my goals for the coming seasons. I can see how taking stock of the bounty my ritual and lived - workings has given so many gifts to me.

I became vegan after years of being vegetarian last October (as you will know if you have read Gwen's and my earlier posts). At Lammas I can be thankful for all the blessings the vegan path has given to me. I feel healthier, my allergies are improved, I have better focus and less stress. I feel that I am more in tune with my conscience in terms of my personal relationship with animals and my consumer patterns. My vegan journey has been a huge blessing to my paganism. That's why I blog about vegan paganism in the first place, and there is so much rich bounty still to be harvested.

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